New Zealand Slopestyle Team to Compete at World Champs

Stoneham, Quebec, Canada (16 January 2013) – The International Ski Federation (FIS) World Snowboard Championships begin tomorrow (NZT) in Stoneham, Quebec, Canada with members of the New Zealand team competing in the slopestyle event. Team members include:


Stef Zeestraten

Ben Comber


Stefi Luxton

Rebecca Torr

Shelly Gotlieb

Stoneham has played host to FIS Snowboard World Cups in previous years; however event organisers say that for the World Championships they have increased the course’s difficulty level with “larger and more spectacular structures compared to last season.”

Shelly Gotlieb and Stefi Luxton both describe the course as “challenging”.

“It is one of the most challenging courses I have been on but I’m excited to compete tomorrow,” explains Stefi. While Stef Zeestraten comments, “We’ve got a pretty entertaining bunch of snowboarders here in Stoneham and the course is firm but fun, so it's game on tomorrow.”

The World Snowboard Championships provide athletes with the opportunity to gain qualifying points for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia in February 2014.

Slopestyle FIS World Champs Event Schedule (times are EST –New Zealand is 18 hours ahead)

Thursday January 17th

9.50am – 11am Men’s qualifying heats 1-2

12.10pm – 1.20pm Men’s qualifying heats 3-4

2.30pm – 3.20pm Women’s qualifying heats 1 and 2

Friday January 18th

9.50am-11am Men’s and Women’s Semi Finals

12pm – 1.10pm Men’s and Women’s Final


New Zealand Slopestyle Team to Compete at World Champs

12 years ago