Maunga Wāhine Project | Female Snow Sports Athlete Survey Results!

Female Snow Sports Athlete Survey – RESULTS ARE IN!

We'd like to say a huge thank you to all the women and girls who completed the female snow sports athlete survey and shared their insights and experiences with such clarity and honesty.  The results powerfully illustrate that while women and girls love competing in snow sports, would encourage others to get involved and considered pursuing it as a career, there’s still much to do before girls and women feel equally included, valued and supported as snow sports competitors.   

Click here to read a summary of the results and learn how they’re directly informing the work we’re now getting on with at Snow Sports NZ.  

The female athlete survey has been so important in shaping the work of Maunga Wāhine that we’ve decided to bring forward the launch of our Female Snow Sports Coaches Survey.  We want to better understand the experience women have of coaching snow sports so we can use that insight to further inform the work of Maunga Wāhine, just as the athlete survey has done. 

We’ll officially launch the Female Snow Sports Coaches Survey shortly but the link is live now. So if you’re a woman who has coached snow sports in New Zealand, please click here to complete the survey.  And please share the link below with any other women you know who have coached snow sports in New Zealand.  The more who complete the survey, the more confidence we can have in the results.  Every women who completes the coaches survey will go into the draw to win a $400 Outside Sports Voucher. 

Maunga Wāhine Project | Female Snow Sports Athlete Survey Results!

7 months ago