Freeski and Snowboard Judging Clinics

If you are interested in becoming a Slopestyle or Halfpipe Judge this clinic will get you started. If you are a competitor, coach or parent this clinic will give you the understanding of how the judges are scoring so you can maximise your run and get on to the podium! These clinics are presentes by Mel Simmons (snowboard) and Dion Newport (freeski), New Zealand's lead judges.

All of the clinics are FREE!! Please sign up for your clinic by emailing [email protected] with a venue, discipline and contact number.

Clinic Dates and Venues:

16th July – Wanaka, Snow Sports NZ office 33 Reece Cres Wanaka, Freeski 4-6pm, Snowboard 6-8pm

17th July – Methven, Mt Hutt town office, Snowboard 4-6pm, Freeski 6-8pm

19th July – Ohakune, Powder Horn conference room, Freeski 4-6pm, Snowboard 6-8pm

20th July – Auckland, Snow Planet, Snowboard 4-6pm, Freeski 6-8pm

Freeski and Snowboard Judging Clinics

13 years ago
  Judge, Clinic