FIS Career Highlights
Youth Career Highlights
I was born in Christchurch, Canterbury and lived there for the first 8 years of my life. I started skiing at the age of 6 at Mt Hutt in Canterbury. I undertook lessons there and realised at an early age that I loved to jump and go fast. When I was 7 we moved to Queenstown and I immediately asked my parents to join the Queenstown Alpine Ski team, with whom I have skied with since.
My first competitions were the Southern Lakes Junior Interfield series along with the Interfields at Ohau and I also competed as an U10 in the USA, at Palisades and Sugar Bowl.
I first skied abroad in the USA when we went to Palisades for 2 years when I was U10 AND U12. The first season did not have much snow and the second we were buried most days.