Snow Sports NZ Covid-19 Update

To our snow sports communities,

We hope you and your loved ones are managing okay during these challenging times. 

Active and adventurous folk like you and us are not used to staying home and dialling down the adrenalin but we fully support the Government directives and are doing everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19, and no doubt you are also doing your bit.
Our Strength & Conditioning Trainer, Shane, has already initiated an office ‘squat’ challenge so we’ll be keeping strong and fit while we stay home. Feel free to join in the ‘fun’!
In between doing our squats, Snow Sports NZ staff are operating from “homes” so do get in touch if you have any questions or we can assist with anything.
Our high-performance athletes are now home from the Northern Hemisphere season and training as best they can in their bubbles with low risk of injury as we don’t want anyone hurting themselves or having to go to out for medical help.
We are in regular communication with our resort partners who are responding to Government requirements and are on standby, hoping for a domestic season. Over the coming weeks we will gain a better understanding of what this means in terms of training and competition. We hope to be able to run some form of domestic calendar but this will depend on alert levels, the resorts having enough time to prepare adequately, and restrictions on travel. We will share updates on this as the situation develops.
The health and wellbeing of our athletes, staff and the wider community is, of course, our top priority and I have been impressed by how everyone has adapted and coped with the rapid changes that have happened in the last week. It is great to see everyone pulling together; it is by doing so that we stand the best chance of stopping the spread of COVID-19, keeping ourselves and our communities safe, and getting back to the snow as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support. We wish you all the best for the weeks ahead.
Jan Shearer and the team at Snow Sports NZ

Snow Sports NZ Covid-19 Update

4 years ago