Dr Sarah Beable

Dr Sarah Beable is the Medical Director at Snow Sports NZ. She is also a Physician at Axis in Queenstown and has previously been the Medical Director for Cycling New Zealand.

She has worked with a wide range of athletes and sports taking her to multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games, as well as touring with the Silver Ferns. Sarah has a particular interest in RED-S, and is a member WHISPA (Women's Health in Sport; A Performance Advantage).

Sarah has an interest in snow sports injury and prevention, and building load tolerance for many endurance based outdoor pursuits and occupations. Sarah has a special interest in low energy availability (RED-S) and the range of issues that encompasses, affecting both males and females.  She is a member of the WHISPA (Women's Health in Sport; A Performance Advantage) panel, an initiative by High Performance Sport NZ, working with a range of specialties to tackle the increasing prevalence of this issue.  Sarah has published research in Depression and Associated Life Stress in Elite Athletes and speaks regularly at conferences on this topic.

Sarah is passionate about exercise, lifestyle promotion and being involved in the community. She is loving living in Queenstown and is often found out exploring the outdoors. She continues to keep fit and likes competing in endurance events in her spare time (including completing the Hawaii Ironman in her competitive days) she enjoys running, mountain biking and circuit training.